The best PM we never had

The best PM we never had

Vire Dare Naure Jean Sese was director general of the prime minister's office in Vanuatu for years. I was only two weeks in-country when I first met him. If this is the calibre of the senior civil service, I told myself as I left, then Vanuatu has a lot going for it.
Education reform in Tonga

Education reform in Tonga

For many Pacific nations, education is regarded as the key foundation stone of building a peaceful, productive, and prosperous society. But educators are looking for solutions as to why there is very little improvement in student performance, even after so much reform has been carried out.


Ben Bohane moves with Guam Battalion down to Kandahar, whose large airfield is the jump-off point to various bases in the south and, it seems, often comes under attack.