GoFundMe – Relief for Vanuatu / Cyclone Pam

GoFundMe – Relief for Vanuatu / Cyclone Pam

As the world is very much aware, Cyclone Pam unleashed her wrath on Vanuatu on March 14, destroying infrastructure, homes and leaving tens and tens of thousands of people homeless, jobless and without food and water.

Australian family members of PiPP staff and friends of ex-pats living and working across Vanuatu have initiated the GoFundMe campaign to raise money to help those affected by the disaster. A big thank you from PiPP to those who have donated so far!

Money received is being transferred directly to PiPP. We have been in Vanuatu since 2007 and we clearly understand the political, social, economic and cultural landscape of Vanuatu and are well connected across the Pacific. We know where the money needs to go and will get it there quickly, without fuss or bureaucratic and/or administrative hold-ups. We will account for every cent spent and work through the appropriate channels and report back in due course on how it was spent.

The PiPP team, in conjunction with many other agencies and local groups are working so unbelievably hard to help rebuild infrastructure, feed the hungry, get water to those without access, and to provide medical assistance for those most in need. This is where every cent of your donations will go!

The relief effort and clean up has been outstanding thus far but the end is nowhere near in sight. To donate, please go to the GoFundMe page.

Please note that this initiative is not in direct competition with any of the other Vanuatu fundraising campaigns. This GoFundMe was the simplest way for donations to be channelled into one repository to transfer funds directly to PiPP’s Vanuatu bank account (rather than asking every donor to set up international bank transfers to Vanuatu).

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There is 1 comment for this article
  1. R Brien at 12:58 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing and work disseminating the funds throughout your network.

    It’s great to know the money is reaching those who need it, quickly and without fuss or prejudice.

    Please let us know if there is anything else that can be done to help coordinate funds, etc.