Defending the indefensible

Defending the indefensible

The reason the Nauruan government finds itself quashing essential aspects of its own democracy is because its actions simply don’t bear scrutiny. It is time for Nauru to remember the Pacific way of doing things.
Missing Voices

Missing Voices

Legislative changes in PNG to have more women in parliament, if successful, could change the culture of 'Bigman' and money politics by 2017, writes Dulciana Somare-Brash. But broad community support is not yet guaranteed in the lead up to parliaments verdict on its appropriateness.
How CEDAW impacts some Pacific cultures

How CEDAW impacts some Pacific cultures

Kalafi Moala examines how this important global initiative to protect women and promote gender equality has been adopted in Pacific island states, as Tonga remains one of the last to ratify it. Tonga’s ratification comes with conditions.