The long journey – political acceptance of women

The long journey – political acceptance of women

The Pacific is still struggling to get women into parliaments across the region. Mary Jack Kaviamu recently contested the 2016 Vanuatu national snap election in the Tanna open constituency. Although she failed to secure a seat, she clearly hasn't given up. For Mary and her supporters, the journey has just begun. Here she relays her experience, particularly the challenges encountered on the way.

The final motion

Riyad Mucadam reflects on several so called historic moments that took place in the Marshall Islands' Nitijela (parliament) during the past few weeks, one of them the placated, polite and procedural election of Dr. Hilda C. Heine as the new President.
How CEDAW impacts some Pacific cultures

How CEDAW impacts some Pacific cultures

Kalafi Moala examines how this important global initiative to protect women and promote gender equality has been adopted in Pacific island states, as Tonga remains one of the last to ratify it. Tonga’s ratification comes with conditions.
Women and reconciliation

Women and reconciliation

Betty Gigisi reflects on her time working with women and reconciliation groups in the Solomon Islands after the civil war. She says women have a crucial place in traditional Pacific society and can play an important role in the search for peace.
Gender equality in political governance

Gender equality in political governance

This research project investigated the perceptions and attitudes towards women’s political participation. The findings demonstrate there is overwhelming support for more women in parliament. Less clear is how this can be achieved.