By-elections, dynasty politics and saving costs

By-elections, dynasty politics and saving costs

As Port Vila gears up for a by-election following the death of Edward Natapei, Kiery Manassah reflects on an increasingly common trend of dynasty politics in Vanuatu where leadership is often passed on to a next of kin, arguing the pattern could snuffle life out of democracy.
Having the confidence to change

Having the confidence to change

As PNG turns forty, Nik Soni looks back to the future at an immensely wealthy country, gradually taking on a greater role on the world stage. Looking beyond simplistic assessments that all is hopeless, he suggests there is reason to have confidence the people of PNG will effect the change necessary to overcome existing challenges.
WTO: Where are we heading?

WTO: Where are we heading?

Kaliopate Tavola discusses the issues central to the future of the WTO. As a former WTO permanent representative, he says despite all overtures at reforming it, this global international organization is fracturing and may be beyond repair.
Island geostrategy

Island geostrategy

Kaliopate Tavola asks if a 'stable regional order’ as envisioned by Australia and New Zealand is being achieved at a time when their inclusion in Pacific regional architecture is being questioned.
The price tag for global engagement

The price tag for global engagement

As Pacific nations find themselves accused on various international watch lists, Giff Johnson explores the tension between the cultural approach of keeping disputes or problems muted and its use at the political level to avoid dealing with necessary issues.