A hard choice, but a simple one

A hard choice, but a simple one

There’s nothing complicated about the MSG’s decision on whether to include West Papua as a member, but that doesn’t make it easy, writes Dan McGarry.
On be(com)ing happy

On be(com)ing happy

'A few days after cyclone Pam destroyed his home, a twelve-year-old boy taught me a paradoxical lesson about happiness,' writes Dan McGarry
Women as peacemakers during conflict

Women as peacemakers during conflict

Pacific women have played vital roles in peacemaking although they have been neither consulted, nor included, in formal peace talks. Betty Gigisi recalls how she and four other women risked their lives to meet Harold Keke in the height of the 1998- 2003 ethnic tension in the Solomon Islands.
Women and reconciliation

Women and reconciliation

Betty Gigisi reflects on her time working with women and reconciliation groups in the Solomon Islands after the civil war. She says women have a crucial place in traditional Pacific society and can play an important role in the search for peace.