National perspectives on green economy – Vanuatu and Palau
Green Economy in a Blue World – Pacific Perspective 2012 [PDF 5.9MB]
In the lead up to the Rio+ 20 global conference of heads of state and government on sustainable development, PiPP undertook detailed national assessments for Palau and Vanuatu as part of the study coordinated by the United nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) – Green Economy in a Blue World – Pacific Perspective 2012.
This publication explores the concept of a green economy in the Pacific, including a summary of the opportunities, challenges and constraints. I am confident that it will support the efforts of our development partners and Governments in formulating policies for a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Pacific.
For Pacific island countries, the green economy is very much a blue economy, which is why the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDs) chose this theme to be conveyed by the Pacific to Rio+20.
The future we want [PDF 0.5MB], the outcome of the Rio+20 Summit, reinforced the global commitment towards balancing the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development through the green economy approach, including enabling policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks. Green economic policies, coupled with other macro-economic and social policies to promote inclusion, can be used to “incentivize” greater balance in developmental outcomes – particularly in favour of social inclusion, equity, and environmental sustainability. Pacific island developing countries, where in spite of previous efforts and significant resource outlays, vulnerability has increased and the capacity to cope has not. Overall economic performance in the Pacific has been weak; and while there has been some social development, including progress toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), there are still significant gaps, particularly in the areas of poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. The importance of poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability in the Pacific has received high-level recognition through the conclusion that ‘poverty eradication is the greatest global challenge facing the world today’ and through the Pacific Islands Forum conclusion that climate change is the single greatest threat in the Pacific and managing the Pacific Ocean is one of the Pacific’s most significant challenges.
The Pacific Ocean provides environmental, economic and social benefits to the global community. Thus there is a need to support the stewardship role of the people of the Pacific through recognizing the unique challenges faced. The preservation of natural resources and ecosystems and environmentally sustainable growth are of critical importance for the Pacific. While the top priorities of the Pacific leaders are addressing the threat of climate change and overcoming the challenge of managing the Pacific Ocean, the need for greater gender equality, strong institutions and sustainable economic performance are also evident in the region.
This publication is offered to support national governments and their development partners in formulating policies for a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Pacific.