The President of the Malvatumauri National Council of Chiefs welcomes leaders of the West Papuan Independence movement shortly before they submitted their application for membership to the Melanesian Spearhead Group. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

The President of the Malvatumauri National Council of Chiefs welcomes leaders of the West Papuan Independence movement shortly before they submitted their application for membership to the Melanesian Spearhead Group. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Paramount chiefs from South Efate lead the delegation of West Papuan independence leaders up to the MSG Secretariat. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Members of the ULMWP were visibly moved and proud. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Members of the ULMWP were visibly moved and proud. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Members of the ULMWP were visibly moved and proud. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

West Papuan independence leaders are led by the President of the Malvatumauri National Council of Chiefs to the MSG Secretariat to present their membership application. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

West Papuan independence leaders are led by the President of the Malvatumauri National Council of Chiefs to the MSG Secretariat to present their membership application. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

MSG Secretary General Peter Forau greets the delegation. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

MSG Secretary General Peter Forau greets the delegation. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

A member of the UMWLP delegation at the Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

A member of the UMWLP delegation at the Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

ULMWP leader Octo Mote addresses dignitaries during the formal presentation of the membership application. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Vanuatu deputy prime minister Ham Lini accepts ceremonial gifts from the leader of the ULMWP. Photo: Graham Crumb

Vanuatu deputy prime minister Ham Lini Vanuaroroa. He has been a lifelong supporter of West Papuan independence. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Vanuatu deputy prime minister Ham Lini Vanuaroroa. He has been a lifelong supporter of West Papuan independence. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Vanuatu deputy prime minister Ham Lini Vanuaroroa. He has been a lifelong supporter of West Papuan independence. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com

Vanuatu deputy prime minister Ham Lini Vanuaroroa. He has been a lifelong supporter of West Papuan independence. Photo: Graham Crumb – imagicity.com