Sir Mekere Morauta ousted

Sir Mekere Morauta ousted

Political tit-for-tat continues to confound dialogue in the PNG government’s bid to restructure the Ok Tedi mine and a related trust fund. Peter O’Neill has removed Ok Tedi Mining Ltd (OTML) Chairman and former prime minister Sir Mekere Morauta. Sir Mekere was also the chairman of PNG Sustainable Development Program, or PNGSDP, until its take over last week.  Mr O’Neill had consistently accused PNGSDP of underperforming.

Sir Mekere’s removal as OTML chairman comes only a week after the PNG parliament unanimously voted to collapse the structure of PNGSDP, the charitable organisation housing the trust fund for the Ok Tedi landowners. PNGSDP was established in part to save BHP Billiton’s reputation after significant environmental damage caused the mining giant to exit in the 1990’s.

This article was written by

Dulciana Somare-Brash has Bachelor Degrees in political science & international relations, and law from James Cook University. Her experience in politics and development ranges from employment with ABC/Radio Australia in Port Moresby, and later as Senior Research Officer at the Australian High Commission there. Most recently Dulciana has been PiPP's deputy executive director and director of operations in PNG.