Pacific Buzz with Devpolicy
The Pacific Buzz was launched in September 2011 as a joint initiative of PiPP and the Development Policy Centre (Devpolicy) – a think tank based out of the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University, and focuses on aid and development serving Australia, the region, and the global development community.
The Pacific Buzz (2011-2013) was a bi-weekly round up of key economic and political news and events affecting the Pacific region. Released every second Wednesday, it quickly became recognised as a key resource of those who need to be in the know about what is happening throughout our region. Pacific Buzz was syndicated in the Vanuatu Daily Post.
With ever increasing internet penetration and social media uptake in our region, we found by 2013 we could better reach and keep our audience informed by posting in real time through our social media platforms and new blog site.
PiPP still retains close links with Devpolicy, with board chair, Nikunj Soni, and executive director, Derek Brien, serving as Development Policy Centre associates. We take a special interest in the annual Pacific and PNG Updates hosted by Devpolicy.