PiPP Staff

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This author has written 97 articles
Analysis of Vanuatu political party platforms

Analysis of Vanuatu political party platforms

In the lead up to the 2012 election PiPP provided a summary analysis of the policy platforms of Vanuatu’s political parties. This analysis was published as a supplement to the national daily newspaper, and followed extensive consultations with the parties.

MP Face to Face

Pioneered in Vanuatu ahead of the 2012 national elections, PiPP facilitated a series of public forums bringing together members of Parliament and their constituents for a lively discussion on key policy issues.
MP Face to Face

MP Face to Face

Pioneered in Vanuatu ahead of the 2012 national elections, PiPP facilitated a series of public forums bringing together members of Parliament and their constituents for a lively discussion on key policy issues.
Building the creative economy

Building the creative economy

A panel discussion covered in the sidelines of the Festival of Pacific Arts to discuss how investment in the arts and culture can contribute to economic growth in the region

Pacific Debate 2012

The 2012 Pacific Debate brought together a distinguished panel and audience to debate the topic ‘that in this Pacific Century and a new era of strategic contest, island states should be neutral’.

Pacific Debate 2012

Pacific Debate 2012 was on the overarching theme of Geopolitics with the debate motion: 'that in this Pacific century and a new era of strategic…