Natuman: Indonesia hijacked the MSG delegation
Vanuatu’s special envoy for decolonisation, MP Joe Natuman, accused Indonesia of ‘hijacking’ a recent visit by MSG foreign ministers, and stopping them from addressing accusations of human rights abuses in the two provinces that make up West Papua. Following a meeting with the president of Indonesia, delegation members signed a joint statement affirming their respect for ‘Indonesia’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity as well as the non-intervention principle into a country’s domestic affairs’. This led Vanuatu foreign affairs minister Edward Natapei to admit that the prospect of membership for the West Papua National Council for Liberation was greatly diminished. He suggested nonetheless that if it proved impossible to meet with West Papuan civil society within Indonesia’s borders, then perhaps such meetings should go ahead in a different location.
In 1962 under the influence of a Freeport mining director (Lovett) America promoted a scheme for the United Nations to take over responsibility for West Papua, and to then trust Indonesia to exercise the United Nations duties of respecting the self-determination & human rights of the Papuan people. Today Indonesia is paying Pacific nations to endorse Indonesian rule instead of allowing the self-determination our nations are legally required to support in West Papua under article 76 of the UN Charter as a result of the 1962 scheme that made West Papua a trust territory when the General Assembly made resolution 1752 (XVII).
The ONLY reason the United Nations is blind to the abuse of West Papua is because nobody has yet added the issue of West Papua & General Assembly resolution 1752 (XVII) to the agenda of the Trusteeship Council. Any member of the United Nations can add the issue to the agenda, an action that will compel the Council and United Nations to commence their duties under articles 76, 85, 87, and 88 of the Charter as well as the decolonization process for trust territories described in Gen. Ass. res. 1514 (XV).