Performance monitoring and evaluation

Performance monitoring and evaluation

Planning monitoring and evaluation of government systems: A women and child focused perspective baseline diagnosis 2009 [PDF 0.7MB]

In partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, we undertook a three-country diagnosis in Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to detail the performance monitoring and evaluation functions that currently exist and assess their strengths and weaknesses in terms of strengthening public sector management.

The multi- country analysis allowed a comparison of monitoring systems as well as shared learning experiences. The diagnostic study found many disconnects between planning, monitoring and evaluation across each national government.

In response to the existing constraints to performance management, the report set out a series of detailed recommendations covering:

  • Strengthening data collection and analysis.
  • Refining and rationalising monitoring systems to take account of practical realities and transaction costs of fostering dialogue and exchange between national planning and budgeting processes.
  • Focusing performance monitoring and evaluation on outcomes rather than inputs.
  • Improving donor coordination and harmonisation.
  • Building domestic demand for women and children focused monitoring and evaluation.
This article was written by