PiPP Staff

More from PiPP Staff

This author has written 97 articles
Melanesian Face to Face

Melanesian Face to Face

Nearly 30 years after Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu came together as a political alliance, the Pacific Institute of Public Policy (PiPP)…


PiPP executive director, Derek Brien, joins One Just World’s discussion on Australian aid effectiveness.

Pacific Debate 2011

Pacific students from the University of Auckland join with regional policy specialists to debate the motion “That government focus should be on urban development to support economic growth”.

Pacific Debate 2011

The Pacific Debate is an annual debate organised and hosted by the Pacific Institute of Public Policy (pacificpolicy.org) to focus attention on a major policy…
Pacific Buzz with Devpolicy

Pacific Buzz with Devpolicy

A joint initiative with the Development Policy Centre, the Pacific Buzz provided a bi-weekly round up of key political and economic news and events affecting Pacific island countries and their neighbours.