Kalafi Moala

More from Kalafi Moala

This author has written 34 articles
Lamentations from the Pacific

Lamentations from the Pacific

As the steps to a long journey begin with the first one, it is time Pacific peoples start thinking and doing what needs to be done so as to start them on their journey to freedom. This is a freedom that only them know when it happens, a freedom that restores independence, self-determination, and dignity.
‘Pacific Island nation’ in Aotearoa

‘Pacific Island nation’ in Aotearoa

In all the conversations taking place in the Pacific region today, there is one that is often ignored simply because it is under a “long white cloud” – Aotearoa. Kalafi Moala argues why Pacific islanders in Aotearoa should be given special attention
Self-determination thinking crucial for Post-2015

Self-determination thinking crucial for Post-2015

South Pacific states need to heed the words of Fiji’s Prime Minister, for it will help shift the thinking from others determining our future to self-determination. Kalafi Moala writes that maybe there is a lesson or two to be learnt from Fiji when it comes to home grown solutions.
Fighting in whose name?

Fighting in whose name?

His Majesty’s Armed Forces has replaced Tonga Defence Services as the new name for the armed forces of Tonga. But what’s in a name? Why is this change of name to Tonga’s armed forces so significant? Kalafi Moana argues that changing the military’s name signals a step back from the democratisation process.
What Majuro meant for Polynesia?

What Majuro meant for Polynesia?

As each Forum country representative returns home after the Majuro Forum meetings, one question looms highest among all others: what has been discussed, decided, or achieved during these annual meetings that will make a difference to member countries?
Press Freedom involves being called ‘stupid’

Press Freedom involves being called ‘stupid’

While media freedom is a legal fact in most Pacific island constitutions, it is the practical application of it to our cultures that matters. This twisted notion of media freedom is what is being flaunted unfortunately in Tonga, and most of the South Pacific island states.