Policy Analysis – Land and Decentralisation

Last Updated on Monday, 29 October 2012 01:55

Graon long Vanuatu hemi stampa blong laef blong ol man ples. Ikat wan o tu pati nomo ikat ol detel aksen blong adresem ol bigfala isiu blong graon mo desentralaesesen mo fulap oli kat ol jenerol toktok nomo.

Yumi save se graon hemi wan sensitif topik blong tokbaut. Histori blong Vanuatu hemi soem se yumi bin gat distebens long saed blong ekonomi from se ol lan ona oli no save agri long hau nau bambae oli save usum graon blong olgeta. Sapos man we igat mane i kam tedei blong givim long wan Kastom lan ona, raorao bambae hemi kirap sapos man ia i no bin toktok wetem ol narafala membas blong famili o lan ona.

Jalenj we i fesem fulap lida mo olgeta politikol patis long kantri tedei hemi hau nau ol lan ona i save usum Kastom graon blong olgeta be long sem taem, givim enaf rum tu blong developmen long saed blong ekonomi i save go hed. Hemia hemi fiu exampol blong olgeta jenerol polisi steitmen blong olgeta pati we mifala i kasem long saed blong graon:

  • Yumi everiwan i mas help tugeta blong stopem abius blong helpem olgeta lan ona;
  • Graon i laef blong mi, graon i laef blong Vanuatu, graon i laef blong ol pikinini;
  • Minista blong lan i mas honest blong saenem pepa blong lan lis;
  • Mekem loa blong protektem kastom graon;
  • Blong promotem, enkarejem mo sapotem wan polisi blong graon long Vanuatu;
  • Blong promotem, enkarejem mo sapotem wasfala polisi we kastom ona i save benefit long kastom graon blong hem.

Ol eksampol long ol klia aksen steitmen blong wan wan pati i inkludim:

  • Jenisim Municipalities Act blong mekem se i nomo gat eleksen blong ol membas blong ol Munisipol Kaonsel – bae i gat nominesen (GJP)
  • Temporary Special Measure” blong risevem one-third blong ol jea long evri Provinsel Kaonsel mo Munisipol Kaonsel blong ol woman (GJP)
  • Border kontrol bitwin urban mo rurol eria blong stopem urban drift (LDP)
  • Stanemap  toan long Lenakel, Sola, Saratamata, Norsup (NUP)
  • Audit evri lease we i stap blong mek sua se I folem loa (NUP)
  • Stopem divelopmen long evri lease we I kasem solwota (NUP)
  • Mek sua se evri groan we gavman i  yusum ikat lease o kompensesen (NUP)
  • Stanemap wan serves blong advaesem ol land owna ol difren wei blong divelopem groan (NUP, VDP)
  • Establisem sistem blong frihold land (PPP)
  • Establisem frihold land long municipal eria long ol ni-Vanuatu (RMC)
  • Bae ikat 30% tranfer fi iko long ol land owna long ol agrikaljoral sabdivisen (RMC)
  • Stopem eni divelopmen long san bij sapos I no turism divelopmen (RMC)
  • Setemap municipaliti long evri aelan mo dividim evri aelan ikam distrikt olsem ol kastom bounderi (RMC)
  • Mas kat provensel loea, provensal prosekuta  (VDP)
  • Adamap 2 niu wad long Port Vila mo Luganville (VDP)
  • Riservem 1/4 women long wan wan eria kaonsel (VDP)
  • Forener ino save holdem fri hold land (VLP)
  • Niu loa se Minista ino save salem eni pablik groan sapos ino kat sapot long COM (VP)
  • Stadi hao ol land owna oli save kompenseitem ol lease holda taem lease i finis (VP)
  • Putum pablik notis long ol land wea ikat disput bifo eni lease (VRP)
  • Alokaetem 2 billion vatu blong divelopem infrastrakja long wan provens long wan yia (VRDP)
  • Setemap entri port long evri provens (VRP)
  • Ripilim Alienated Land Act, amendem Land Leases Act mo Land Reform Act mo riplesem Customary Land Tribunals Act wetem wan niufala Customary Land Disputes Management Act (GJP).
  • Amendem Strata Title Act blong save mekem strata taetol long ol bilding nomo, be i no lo graon. (GJP)
  • Implimentem ol resolusen blong Land Samit, mo protektem gud ol kastom graon blong Vanuatu folem ol tingting blong Konstityusen (GJP, NUP, VDALPC)
  • Stanemap wan ofis blong givim ligol, faenansol mo bisnis advaes long ol lanona long saed blong hao oli save yusum graon blong olgeta.
  • Pasem wan loa blong protektem ol las grin spes long Port Vila mo Luganville, olsem “Preservation of Port Vila Waterfront Bill”  (GJP)
  • Stanemap wan spesel investigesen unit blong investigetem ol land diling we i involvem ol staf blong Dipatmen blong Land mo ol foma Minista mo politikol apoenti. (GJP)
  • Jenisim Municipalities Act blong mekem se i nomo gat eleksen blong ol membas blong ol Munisipol Kaonsel – bae i gat nominesen (GJP)
  • Temporary Special Measure” blong risevem one-third blong ol jea long evri Provinsel Kaonsel mo Munisipol Kaonsel blong ol woman (GJP)
  • Implimentem ol rekomendesen blong Disentralaesesen Komisen Riviu ripot long 2009. (GJP)
  • Muvum ol hed ofis blong ol Dipatmen blong Gavman i go long ol aelan (GJP, RMC)
  • Ekstendem Munisipol baondri blong Port Vila mo Luganville.(GJP)
  •  Re-introducing the Provincial Agricultural and Life stock Extension officers in all the Provinces of Vanuatu. (VLP)
  • Adoptem niufala presidensol sistem blong gavenens blong setemap 4 level blong pawa.  (VPP)

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pps-2013-04-15 This week on Pacific Politics: PiPPtalks - MSG Secretariat Director General Peter Forau discusses the organisation's identity and purpose; Dan McGarry looks at the West Papuan independence movement's long road to freedom; a photo essay on the MSG's Eminent Persons Group and much more....

PiPP is pleased to present its latest tool in understanding the state of mobile phone and internet use in Vanuatu. This infographic encapsulates the key findings from our 2011 study of social and economic effects of telecoms in Vanuatu. Please contact us for a printed copy or click here for the downloadable graphic.


Your Say

"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman