Policy Analysis – Economy

Last Updated on Monday, 29 October 2012 03:01



Fulap ol pati oli toktok plante long saed long ol isui blong ekonomik divelopmen be ikat fiu nomo we oli kat ol klia aksen steitmen blong talem hau nao oli plan blong implementem ol polisi blong olgeta. Sapos yumi komparem long ol nara isui olsem helt mo edukasen ol pati pati oli fokas plante long saed long ekonomi.

Igat sam pipol i save talem se ‘be ekonomi blong yumi hemi no beis tumas long vatu or “kash” from fulap man oli gat wanem we yumi save singaut olsem ‘tredisonel ekonomi’ olsem man i laef long kakae long karen blong hem, envaeromen mo fasen blong laef blong hem long wan komuniti. Hemia hemi tru tumas. Fasen ia ol pupu i bin laef long hem plante yias i pas bifo waetman i kam wetem gol mo silva blong hem. Be long realiti blong tedei, yumi mas faenem wei blong mekem se yumi save sapotem tugeta sistem blong ekonomi ia blong mekem se yumi no lus aut long tugeta. From hemia i kat nid blong ol klia polisi blong daerektem ol aksen blong gavman blong mekem ekonomi i kro.

Ol pati ikat plante jenerol toktok olsem:

  • Givim moa janis long ol man ples blong kam andap insaed long ekonomi;
  • Mekem riviu blong ol polisi mo ol loa we i stap blong restriktem sam bisnes i blong ol man ples nomo;
  • Impruvum lokol mo intanasonal tred maket;
  • Bildim ol praemari indastri;
  • Stopem ‘exploitation’ blong ol resos.

Be wetem ol jenerol polisi steitmen olsem ino klia se hau nao oli save ajivim ol polisi eim blong olgeta.

Sam pati nomo oli kat ol klia polisi aksen steitmen olsem:

  • Investem 5 billion vatu iko long Agriculture Bank (GCP)
  • Stopem evri negosiesen blong joinem PACER Plus, EPA mo eni narafala tred agrimen (GJP)
  • Suspendem o stopem MSG tred agrimen mo skils muvmen skim (GJP)
  • Mekem se eni niu foren invesmen I mas bi wan joen ventja we ni-Vanuatu I ownem 50% (GJP)
  • Stanemap wan nasonal food laboratory (GJP)
  • Pasem lao se ol media kampani mas mekem 40% long ol program long Vanuatu o mas bi abaot Vanuatu
  • Stopem eni niu foren-owned retail mo wholesale shop mo kontrolem olgeta we oli stap finis (GJP, RMC)
  • Kanselem WTO membasip (KDP, VDALPFC)
  • Ripilim lao blong VCMB (VDALPFC, VRP)
  • Apgredem intanasonel eapot (LDP, NUP)
  • Bildim wan fishing port long north Vanuatu (NAG)
  • Telecommunications submarine cable blong konektem ol provens (RMC)
  • Gavman to pem aot powa mo wota kampani (VDALPFC)
  • Tarcilim evri rod wetem wota drainage long urban eria mo openem niu rod Ohlen Whitewood iko long Freswota 5 (RMC)
  • Divelop Santo eapot olsem wan hub blong ricivim ol flaet ikam long Asia (VP)
  • Establisem wan microfinance faciliti insaed NBV blong ol tourism divelopmen projek (VP)
  • Securem use blong Au Bon Marche product treatmen plant blong testem ol agrikalja produs (VP)
  • Smol kredit skim blong ol mama long Epi we oli save pem bak wetem vatu o ‘in-kind’ (VPDP)
  • Alokaetem Vt1,000,000,000 iko long statem 10,000 niu komerseal farm ova long 30 yia (VPP)
  • Niu tax blong 1% iko long ol prodak olsem rice, sugar, tin food blong sapotem lokal prodak processing indastri (RMC)
  • Setamap wan niu Nasonel Invesment Bank (VPP)
  • Alokaetem 2 billion vatu blong divelopem infrastrakja long wan provens long wan yia (VRDP)
  • Setamap wan niu Poor People’s Bank (VRDP)
  • Apgradem evri ea strip ikam ‘all weather’ (VRP, VP)
  • Aplae blong Tanna volcano I kam wan World Heritage Site (NUP)
  • Stanemap wan new Department of Industry and Consumer Affairs (NUP)
  • Stanemap wan new Department of External Trade (NUP)
  • Convertem Food Technology Center I kam wan statutory body (NUP)
  • Convertern National Trade Development Committee I kam wan statutory body  (NUP)
  • Saenem European Union Export Partnership Agreement mo ratification long PACER (NUP)
  •  Stanemap Fair Trading Act – law ia babae I promotem fair trading long ol consumers mo producers, fair competition mo controlling restrictive trade practices (NUP)
  • Stanemap Trade Standards and Quality Control Act – law ia bambae I stanemap ol standards blong ol products mo ol services mo bambae I helpem or consumer blong oil save jajem quality blong oi products me services (NUP)
  • Stanemap National Trade and Measurement Act – law ia bambae controlem hau yumi yusum ol machine blong scalem ol products mo labelling ma packaging blong ol products (NUP)
  • Stanemap ol Provincial Savings mo Loan Society (NUP).
  • Transfer Land Transport Board I ko long Ministry blong Ni­Vanuatu Business (NUP).
  • Stanemap wan Ni-Vanuatu Business Training Center (NUP).


Ino blong talem ol polisi ia i gud o ino gud from hemia hemi disisen blong wan wan vota nomo. I gud se ol vota oli luk gud long ol klia polisi komitmen blong wan wan pati. Tebel ia i soem aot se ol pati we oli kat sam detel polisi steitmen olsem mo ol ofis blong pati oli sud kat kopi long ol polisis platfom mo ol posta tu oli kat sam long ol polisi o yu save askem ol kandidet blong talem aot wanem nao ol polisi komitmen blong hem o pati.

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pps-2013-04-15 This week on Pacific Politics: PiPPtalks - MSG Secretariat Director General Peter Forau discusses the organisation's identity and purpose; Dan McGarry looks at the West Papuan independence movement's long road to freedom; a photo essay on the MSG's Eminent Persons Group and much more....

PiPP is pleased to present its latest tool in understanding the state of mobile phone and internet use in Vanuatu. This infographic encapsulates the key findings from our 2011 study of social and economic effects of telecoms in Vanuatu. Please contact us for a printed copy or click here for the downloadable graphic.


Your Say

"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman