DISCUSSION PAPER 19: Exploring food security in the Pacific
It has often been said that nobody goes hungry in the Pacific, but is this true? Such assumptions are now being challenged by a number of indicators, suggesting real challenges around food security.
The Pacific Institute of Public Policy (PiPP) has now released its latest discussion paper, which explores food security in the Pacific.
Research Associate, Ben Sims, says ‘with agricultural productivity in decline, a diabetes epidemic, and a risk of increasing urban hunger, food security is one of the Pacific’s defining challenges. It is vital that the region builds on its strengths and traditions to cope with a growing population, urbanisation and climate change.’
The discussion paper raises several issues, including the need to improve and advocate using traditional techniques to reduce the dependency on governments and NGOs in times of natural disaster.
Agricultural productivity has declined in previous decades highlighting a growing concern. Compared to the rest of the developing world, Pacific agricultural productivity is performing poorly. Investing in agriculture and fisheries can help the region as it struggles to feed its growing population.
Food security is not only about agricultural production. People’s diets are changing and they are consuming more imported food, resulting in major health challenges and a vulnerability to increasing global food prices.
The Pacific Institute of Public Policy (PiPP) exists to stimulate and support informed policy debate in the region.
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