Reform and Democratic Party (RDP)

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 May 2012 08:28

Leading figures ::
Danny Philip, Kenny Igilave, Kaipua Tohibangu, Billy Gina, Douglas Alex, Ronald Fugui, Ishmail Aguilla, Roscoe Zingihite.
Status ::
Launched in early April 2010, RDP is a new party formed to contest the 2010 general election.
Links ::

Parliamentary seats ::
As a new party formed to contest the 2010 elections it held no seats in the last parliament. Party founder, Danny Philip, was a Member of Parliament between 1984-2001, representing the constituency of South New Georgia-Rendova-Tetepari.

Policies and outlook ::

RDP takes the line that the Constitution has given far reaching powers, priority and importance to the state above the needs and aspirations of the citizens of the country. The party seeks to bring about reforms to create a ‘caring and more responsible people-state relationship’, in which customary land is institutionalised with a land tenure system that encourages the owners and others to work together towards achieving a sustainable Commonwealth. The RDP has indicated that it would seek to pass legislation similar to the failed Constitution (Political Parties Amendment) Bill. The party’s legislative programme would concentrate on the following:

  • The Solomon Islands Customary Land Institutionalisation Bill.
  • The Solomon Islands Customs and Traditions Application and Exemption Bill.
  • The Solomon Islands Demographic and Coding Bill.
  • The Solomon Islands Political Parties and Parliamentarians Integrity Bill.
  • The Solomon Islands Federal Constitution Bill.

Key policy priorities include:

  • Implementing a federal system of government.
  • Empower traditional chiefs and community leaders to exercise authority over village affairs.
  • Deployment of 60% of public officers to the Growth Centres in direct response to the introduction of the Federal System of Government.
  • The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands will be allowed to stay on until such time as its work is no longer required.
  • Although sympathetic and supportive, the party does not consider it appropriate to establish separate electorates for women to enter Parliament.
  • Free education from years 1 – year 9 and to subsidise the cost of education from years10 – year 13.
  • Return of alienated lands to tribal land holding will be done according to law and for the benefit of all parties concerned.
  • Reversing urban drift – squatter settlements are deemed to be due to the failure of the state to take socio-economic development to the rural areas.
  • Increasing trade and investment with MSG countries with view to establishing a Pan Melanesian Economic Union.
  • Complete border negotiations with Papua New Guinea and set up a fully-fledged border administration in Shortlands.
  • Upgrade provincial hospitals and establish rural health clinics at the Growth Centres.
  • Promote anti-smoking, alcohol abstention, safe sex, anti-domestic violence, gender balance and safe environment for the benefit of the youth.
  • Promote Carbon Access Programs (Carbon Trading) and Development of Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs) and Alternative fuels.
  • Search for international cooperation for the joint harnessing of petroleum, marine exploration and mining, and exploitation of other sealed resources in Solomon Islands waters (EEZ).
  • Pursue implementation of the following existing projects: Aluta Palm Oil Project, Bina Harbour Industrial Town Project (only inline with the development of the Growth Centres), Munda International Airport, Tina Hydro Scheme.
  • Pursue development of the following proposed projects: Rural Energy Projects, Rural Growth Centres, International Sea Port Project in Temotu Province, Yandina Export Wharf Improvement Project, Domestic Airports Improvement Project, Rural Telecommunication Project, Rural Wharves Project.

History ::

The Reform and Democratic Party was founded in 2009 by Mr. Danny Philip who gathered around him a group of like minded enthusiasts, referred to as the “coffee club”, who met occasionally to discuss and exchange viewpoints which over time formed the basic polices of the party. Danny Philip is a long serving member of parliament (1984-2001) and served as foreign minister from 1995 to 1996 and again from July 2000 to June 2001. He also served briefly as deputy to the late former prime minister Solomon Mamaloni. Philip was replaced in a cabinet reshuffle and maintains there was no personal animosity between him and his former leader.

Contact details ::
PO Box 1231, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Tel:+677 39183




Manifesto of the Reform and Democratic Party of Solomon Islands: General Election 2010

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Your Say

"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman