People’s Federation Party (PFP)

Last Updated on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 03:05

Leading figures ::
Rudolf Henry Dora (president)

Status ::
A new party established to contest the 2010 election.
Links ::
Parliamentary seats ::
As a new party formed to contest the 2010 elections it held no seats in the last parliament.
Policies and outlook ::

In launching the party, Rudolf Dorah party president and founder, said:

“Our regional and international development partners are shocked at the stunning truth that despite Solomon Islands being endowed with rich natural resources, yet our nation is among the poorest performing economies in the Pacific region, characterised by poor national infrastructures, poor education infrastructures, poor health and medical services, and unstable political culture” (Solomon Star, 12 March 2010).

The main issues identified by the party include:

  • Increasing rural poverty
  • Deep seated land disputes threatening to wreak havoc on the economy
  • An inappropriate Westminster system that has been abused by MPs for personal gain
  • An unbalanced banking system that serves the rich at the expense of the poor
  • A leadership crisis
  • The threat of climate change. 

History ::

A new party established to contest the 2010 election. Party founder, Rudolf Dorah is a former former foreign affairs officer and diplomat. 

Contact details ::
To be advised. {/accordion}



‘A fresh start for the better… People’s Federation Party sets to be launched’, Solomon Star, 12 March 2010

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pps-2013-04-15 This week on Pacific Politics: PiPPtalks - MSG Secretariat Director General Peter Forau discusses the organisation's identity and purpose; Dan McGarry looks at the West Papuan independence movement's long road to freedom; a photo essay on the MSG's Eminent Persons Group and much more....

PiPP is pleased to present its latest tool in understanding the state of mobile phone and internet use in Vanuatu. This infographic encapsulates the key findings from our 2011 study of social and economic effects of telecoms in Vanuatu. Please contact us for a printed copy or click here for the downloadable graphic.


Your Say

"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman