Micronesian Futures

Last Updated on Monday, 19 November 2012 07:25

On November 21, 2012, the Pacific Institute of Public Policy will host a public forum in Koror, Palau bringing together Senators, civil society and regional thinkers from around Micronesia to discuss a range of issues affecting small island states.

“Micronesian Futures” will be a chance to hear new ideas about governance and economics for smaller Pacific nations.

There will be provocative questions asked, such as whether small states will ever be economically viable –so is it time to start thinking about shared sovereignty?

As we enter an era of rising food and energy prices, climate change impact and a post-MDG (Millennium Development Goals) world, what is the role of government? Should they be concentrating more on protecting “the commons” rather than facilitating economic growth at all costs?

Panelists will include Fr. Fran Hezel S.J. (Guam), Semdiu Decherong (Palau), Kalafi Moala (Tonga), Hon. Surangel Whipps Jr. (Palau), Hon. Hilda Heine (RMI) and will be moderated by Joe ‘Tutii’ Chilton.

It will be filmed for regional broadcast by our local partner for the event, Oceania TV and Roll’em Productions.

This forum will be held at Sea Passion hotel, from 11am until 2pm, on November 21. The public is encouraged to attend and participate.

1 Comment
  1. Micronesian Futures | Pacific Institute of Public Policy   |  Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 6:01 am

    [...] On November 21, 2012, the Pacific Institute of Public Policy will host a public forum in Koror, Palau bringing together Senators, civil society and regional thinkers from around Micronesia to discuss a range of issues affecting small island states. “Micronesian Futures” will be a chance to hear new ideas about governance and economics for smaller Pacific nations. Read More…. [...]

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