The Pacific islands have traditionally been seen as having limited economic potential. With a minor manufacturing base and a reliance on tourism, donor aid and basic agricultural commodity exports, island economies have long been challenged by geography, labour skills and tiny economies-of-scale.
But are we missing something?
The creative economy – based on art, music, film, media etc – has often been overlooked as a driver of economic growth, but is known to have an important knock-on effect on tourism and broader investment.
PiPP’s latest discussion paper looks into the need for Pacific governments and development partners to prioritise arts and culture.
A healthy arts and culture environment is fundamental to nation building. There are opportunities to expand economic activity through tourism and providing opportunities to exhibit and market creative works in metropolitan countries. The internet has a role to play, but is no silver bullet. Information sharing is vital in order for economic realities of the creative sector to be realised.
Commercialisation comes with risks, however, better policies will be required to protect rights associated with ownership of cultural knowledge, particularly with respect to asserting authenticity.
The full discussion paper can be downloaded here.
PiPP will bring together some creative minds on Saturday 7 July, when it hosts a panel discussion forum on building the creative economy alongside the Festival of Pacific Arts currently underway in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
For more information contact us atpipp@pacificpolicy.org or +678 29 842.