Twelve Pillars To Peace And Prosperity (TP4)

Last Updated on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 04:16

Leading figures ::
Delmah Nori, a former president of the Solomon Islands Netball Association and spouse of Andrew Nori, former MP and state minister.

Status ::
A new party established to contest the 2010 election. The party’s stronghold is in Central Honiara especially amongst young women.

Links ::

Parliamentary seats ::

As a new party formed to contest the 2010 elections it held no seats in the last parliament.

Policies and outlook  ::
The party’s election platform includes:

  • The priority of TP4 is to resurrect the economy in order to provide services and development throughout Solomon Islands. More funds will be directed at the industrial, agriculture and fisheries sectors that generate income. 
  • Aid money to be shared equality to all provinces to help provincial growth and discourage urban drift.
  • TP4 will encourage genuine investors by providing incentives such as tax grace period of 3 years and acquisition of land for development purposes.
  • Build more schools and provide housing for students from the provinces who do study in Honiara.
  • Develop a special school for disabled children.
  • Establish a national university.
  • TP4 will legislate to prevent girls from dropping out from school due to pregnancy. 
  • Revive the school of marine and shipping services and subsidise private ships owned by indigenous Solomon Islanders.
  • TP4 expect RAMSI to train the local police force to be more effective and rid corrupt practices from the force.
  • Establish more health clinics, mini hospitals in all provinces, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre and a care centre for HIV and cancer patients.
  • Review parliamentarian entitlements and establish a financial institution to cater for the Rural Constituency Development Fund.
  • Review National Provident Fund regulations for members to have more access to their funds and establish a pension fund for members.
  • Change wording of currency to reflect Solomon Islands as a Christian country.
  • Remove taxes on food and medicine.
  • Set a flat rate of interest of 5% for housing and business loans for indigenous Solomon Islanders.
  • Subsidise indigenous Solomon Islanders existing businesses.
  • Grant $20,000 per annum for the establishment of a House of Chiefs.
  • Government offices and accommodation to be owned/built by government and not rented from others.
  • Establish a housing and transport scheme for government employees.
  • Cut the number of ministries to 15.
  • Recognise the National Council of Women and other women organisations and reserve ten parliamentary seats for women.
  • Full payment of maternity leave for women in all sectors.
  • Renegotiate alienated land with landowners for development purposes.
  • Foreigners to invest 3 million dollars to qualify to purchase property.
  • Ensure a strong relationship between churches and state. 

History ::
Founded by Delmah Nori in 2010. A former president of the Solomon Islands Netball Association, Ms Nori unsuccessfully contested the 2006 general election vying for the seat of Central Honiara. In launching the party in May 2010, Ms Nori noted the struggle women faced to join the existing, male dominated political parties. Ms Nori is married to Andrew Nori, former MP and state minister, who represented the constituency of West ‘Are’are’ for three terms of parliament (1984-1997) as leader of the National Front for Progress (1989-97). Mr Nori, a lawyer, was spokesperson for the Malaita Eagle Force (MEF) during the tensions in early 2000.

Contact details ::
PO Box 821, Honiara, Solomon Islands

Tel: +677 24876



Twelve Pillars to Peace and Prosperity (TP4), Platform Change Direction for New and Fresh Ideas! National Election 2010
‘Solomon Islands Women Form Political Party’,Solomon Times, 20 January, 2010
Solomon Islands National Parliament website –

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"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman