Peoples Power Action Party (PPAP)

Last Updated on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 04:36

Leading figures ::
Robert Wale Feratelia  
Status ::
First established as a civil society group in 2000 (then known as Peoples Power Action Group) it was reactivated and launched on 10 February 2010 as the Peoples Power Action Party (PPAP). The party seeks to draw on history of the former civil society group, which is well known throughout the country.
Links ::
Given Mr Feratelia’s previous connection with the Sogavare coalition government and criticisms of the outgoing CNURA coalition of Prime Minister Derek Sikua, it is suggested that a successful PPAP may align themselves with OUR Party in an attempt to form a ruling coalition.
Parliamentary seats ::
As a new party formed to contest the 2010 elections it held no seats in the last parliament.
Policies and outlook  ::
The party has campaigned under the slogan ‘Securing A Better Future For All’ and its party policy platform includes:

  • Establishing a microfinance bank
  • Repealing the Investment Act with the aim of creating a level playing field for domestic and foreign investors.
  • Reviewing the fee-free education policy.
  • Establishing a Solomon Islands University.
  • Reviewing the National Provident Fund Act.
  • Reviewing the tax system.
  • Revitalising the co-operative society doctrine of the 1970s.
  • Decentralisation of economic infrastructure projects throughout the country.
  • Recognising and re-enforcing the House of Chiefs  - with chiefs to be remunerated for their job and accord them with judicial powers.
  • Encouraging downstream processing of the nation’s natural resources.
  • Establishing a rural-led growth economy by implementing the ‘bottom up approach’ development strategy.
  • Reviewing fisheries policy with the aim of cancelling foreign fishing licences.
  • Establishing a venture capital scheme.
  • Reviewing agriculture policy.
  • Reviewing the Lands Title Act and pursue a land reform policy.
  • Rightsizing (downsizing) of the public service.
  • Reducing the number of ministries (through amalgamation where appropriate).
  • Reviewing national security policy.
  • Reviewing health policy.
  • Reviewing policies on women, youth and children.
  • Review RAMSI and the International Facilitation Act. 

History ::
First established as a civil society group in 2000 (then known as Peoples Power Action Group) in the aftermath of the tensions. The group sought to stage non-violent protests to voice the concerns of civil society in a ‘forceful but amicable manner’. The group was particularly active in voicing grievances related to the issue of lost and abandoned property claims following the tensions. The group and its leader, Mr Robert Wale Feratelia, were subject to investigations into the 2006 riots. Mr Feratelia was charged with managing or assisting to manage an illegal society and unlawful assembly – in relation to protests against the election of Snyder Rini as prime minister – the trigger to the April 2006 riots. All charges were subsequently dropped, and  Mr Feratelia has repeatedly denied any involvement of himself or the Peoples Power Action Group in the in the burning down and looting of Chinatown. The group lost momentum following the legal wrangling only to be reactivated and launched on 10 February 2010 as the Peoples Power Action Party (PPAP). Mr Feratelia is a former Honiara Lord Mayor, banker and adviser to the Sogavare Coalition Government. He unsuccessfully contested the 2006 election, standing for the seat of East Honiara. Most recently, Mr Feratelia has called for the revocation of caretaker ministers during the election campaign.
Contact details ::

PO Box 1249, Honiara, Solomon Islands



People Power Action Party 2010 National General Election Manifesto
‘New political party to be launched today’, Solomon Star 10 February 2010
‘People Powers Action Party in Solomon Islands denies riot involvement’,PINA 16 February 2010

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Your Say

"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman