Message from the Board Chair

Last Updated on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 02:03

It has been said in some quarters that we are now in the Pacific century, and recent global events have shown that this may well be the case. Geo-political interest in the Pacific is returning to levels not seen since the end of the Second World War. What was once a region struggling to be heard, is now one that is being courted.

The need for a truly independent Pacific voice has never been greater.

In this rapidly changing environment the norms of political and economic engagement are being re-written on an almost daily basis. This has enormous implications for everybody, ranging from the smallest Pacific island to our larger Antipodean neighbours. Nobody knows for certain how the emerging roles and influences from both the Asian subcontinent and also the Middle East will manifest in our region, but those of us who live here know that it is already happening and moving at a pace. The scramble for mineral and marine resources may further exacerbate this struggle.

All of this befalling a region that is still finding its own identity. At every level there are serious challenges. Is the Pacific a single region, or three distinct regions that need to face these challenges separately? How do the Melanesian states combine the need to meet the challenges of the 21st century internationally, whilst dealing with domestic issues and challenges that have their roots deep in their past? How will the recent increased geo- political interest affect the relationship between the Micronesian countries and the United States? Can small Polynesian microstates possibly be expected to operate effectively in such a complex political environment?

The challenges and opportunities for the Pacific are indeed great. In order to meet these challenges, and hopefully make the best of the renewed interest in our region, it is important that our people, leaders and decision makers have access to as much information as possible. This information needs to be provided in a meaningful way that is readily understood and able to help them in their deliberations.

It is therefore a great honour for those of us on the Board of PiPP to see how this young organisation has grown quickly to fill this need. We all understand the very great responsibility that lie on its young shoulders, and congratulate the executive and staff for their incredible achievements in such a short time frame. I hope for the sake of all of us who live in Pacific that we shall continue to see PiPP grow from strength to strength.

Nikunj Soni
Board Chair

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pps-2013-04-15 This week on Pacific Politics: PiPPtalks - MSG Secretariat Director General Peter Forau discusses the organisation's identity and purpose; Dan McGarry looks at the West Papuan independence movement's long road to freedom; a photo essay on the MSG's Eminent Persons Group and much more....

PiPP is pleased to present its latest tool in understanding the state of mobile phone and internet use in Vanuatu. This infographic encapsulates the key findings from our 2011 study of social and economic effects of telecoms in Vanuatu. Please contact us for a printed copy or click here for the downloadable graphic.


Your Say

"We need to protect the next 50 years (with action) in the next five years. Thats the urgency" - Tony de Brum

We were not taught to have constructive dialogue in our homes...the real “culprit” is our communal ways. - Semi Pauu

Whilst we're part of the Pacific regional solution for asylum seekers/refugees, we are more and more becoming asylums and refugees in our own region because of climate change. - Jacinta Manua

By talking abt it won't help anyone it is time to do something about environmental issues. - Zoya Rahiman