
Last Updated on ' Friday, 27 September 2013 05:02


Frida Bani, Communications Officer

Frida initially joined PiPP under the research internship programme working on the socio-economic assessment of telecommunications liberalisation in Vanuatu. Since becoming a full time member of the team Frida has had an active role in the institute’s communication outreach programmes, with a special focus on engaging community stakeholders. She plays am important supporting role in the ongoing development, implementation and quality assurance of the institute’s communication activities.

pipp-staff-10Ellen Bitalau, Executive Assistant

Ellen joined PiPP in July 2008 bringing a rich history of experience working in both Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands that included the Equity Investment Group Ltd, Vanuatu National Statistics Office, the Vanuatu Sustainable Forest Utilization Project, Solomon Airlines and the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education.

pipp-staff-pics-2013-4Ben Bohane, Communications Director

Ben is a photojournalist, television producer and media consultant with over 15 years experience in the Pacific. He has worked for many of the world’s major news organisations and his work is collected by institutions such as the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum and the Australian War Memorial. He joins PiPP as Communications Director to oversee the output of research material for wider public awareness and debate. He has a Masters Degree in Melanesian religion and conflict. More background on Ben’s work can be found via the photo collective and

pipp-staff-12-1Derek Brien, Executive Director

Derek Brien is co-founder and executive director of the Pacific Institute of Public Policy.  Derek has provided policy and strategic planning advice to governments in Australia, Britain and the Pacific over the last fifteen years. Prior to establishing PiPP, he ran his own consultancy practice focusing on strategic communications, stakeholder engagement and the reform of government systems. In his current role, Derek has led a range of research communications initiatives to stimulate and support policy debate in Pacific island countries on issues relating to trade, urban management, infrastructure, political systems, the aid relationship and climate change. Derek is regularly called upon to provide advice to governments, development agencies and academia, and is a regular commentator on public policy issues in the Pacific.

pipp-staff-9-1Mary Kaviamu, Programme Officer

Mary Kaviamu Jack joined PiPP in 2010 to implement a programme of political stakeholder engagement in Vanuatu. Drawing on over ten years experience working with provincial government, which included a period as acting secretary general of the Tafea Provincial Government Council, Mary brings to the team exceptional community relations skills together with a rich understanding of the social, economic and political dynamics that shape the relationships between elected officials and their constituents. In 2011-12 Mary led the highly acclaimed MP Face to Face series throughout Vanuatu and is now working with our partners to pilot the political dialogue initiative in other countries of the region.

pipp-staff-7Toby Ley, Research Associate

Toby joined PiPP as a Research Associate in March 2012. Prior to this, Toby had completed a 6 month Internship with the UN ESCAP Pacific Office in Suva, Fiji. Toby has a Masters of International Studies from the University of Sydney.

pipp-staff-pics-2013-8Dan McGarry, Chief Technologist

Dan has been working in the Pacific for the better part of a decade now, assisting in numerous capacities in the development of ICTs in Vanuatu and the Pacific. He has extensive experience in systems implementation and software development, but his area of greatest interest has always been in designing and managing information that doesn’t fit into the rigid constraints often imposed by standard data management  systems. Past work includes creating searchable indexes for the Canadian Parliamentary Hansard and statutes and regulations for a Canadian provincial government. He joined PiPP after a stint with the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute. A founding member of the Vanuatu IT Users Society, he has also done research, consulting and advocacy work for the Vanuatu telecommunications regulator, the government of Vanuatu and numerous NGOs. He has written weekly opinion columns for the Vanuatu Daily Post and Independent newspapers. His writing and photography are collected on

Erika Morishita, Communications Associate

Erika is a communications associate with PiPP, having joined us in September 2011. Prior to this, Erika had completed a 6 month internship with the European Union Delegation to Vanuatu. She has also worked as a Public Relations associate in the Colombian media industry for six years. Erika holds a Master degree in International Conflict Studies from King’s College London.

Kiery Manassah, Senior Communications Officer

Kiery Manassah worked in the Vanuatu media industry for over 10 years and now works with the Pacific Institute of Public Policy as Senior Communications officer.

pacific-politics-dec is our new home for news an analysis of the Pacific by bloggers and reporters highlighting the important issues in the region. Click to find the latest coverage of news, politics, economics and culture from PiPP's regional network.

PiPP is pleased to present its latest tool in understanding the state of mobile phone and internet use in Vanuatu. This infographic encapsulates the key findings from our 2011 study of social and economic effects of telecoms in Vanuatu. Please contact us for a printed copy or click here for the downloadable graphic.
