Comments for Pacific Institute of Public Policy Thinking for ourselves Sat, 10 Sep 2016 20:59:18 -0700 hourly 1 Comment on The same old CR?P by John Licht Sat, 10 Sep 2016 20:59:18 +0000 Well said and to the point Nik! A timely article yet quite urgent to take into consideration sooner than later.

Agree a lot to the point that revenue will grow from economic growth and not necessarily from new tax measures. The PAM effects which most businesses are still struggling through in Vanuatu and the current slow-down in the economy due to infrastructure works across all major sector7s does not give any justification for a new tax. As you rughtly said, it is better to focus on compliance and enforcement of our current tax regime coupled with refinancing options and necessary cost cutting measures and concentrare attention to attract and stimulate both- more foreign direct investment and local investments.

Comment on The same old CR?P by João Fri, 09 Sep 2016 23:50:37 +0000 What are the major income sources of those countries ? What’s their long term viability in terms of sole reliance on these resources. How was the restructuring of their finance sector achieved and was there any diversification of revenue streams to safeguard and provide for the future? Did they look at non disclosed public debt influencing compliance? Who are the principal lenders to these countries. If donor countries which by the way also fund the WB and the ADB , were serious then they should be trying to counter countries so bent on their hegemony in the South East Asia / Pacific region . Is China a major influence on/controlling these countries’ economies. These counties trade deficits? If we’re serious showing the debt as it is for any country , then shouldn’t we also be serious at pointing at all players in the game. Vanuatu and PNG had a public service to be undermined. Reading this I thought if my own country. Timor Leste has an embryonic public service but before that is restructured the justice sector here must have more teeth to ward off manioulative efforts by those who only have a short term personal interest.

Comment on The same old CR?P by Gene Fri, 09 Sep 2016 06:26:21 +0000 Good article Nik

Comment on The world is talking about migration – so should we! by David Strauss Sat, 02 Apr 2016 09:58:16 +0000 One of the biggest problems with the RMI government is the poor performance of the Public Service Commission over the years. They have always bowed to pressure from elected officials to hire their family members and friends, the vast majority of whom are not even close to being qualified for the particular job. This results in many Marshallese who do not have certain last names or are not related to the high mukety-muks moving to the U.S. and many in the U.S. not returning home. There is no hope for them to be hired. Also, when government employees do not show up on time, miss days of work, and do not perform, no disciplinary action is taken. When one is hired as an employee by the RMI government, with a very few exceptions, one is hired for life. No need to perform.

Comment on The long journey – political acceptance of women by Carol Thu, 10 Mar 2016 06:01:45 +0000 You are a trail blazer! People will remember you one day as one of the people who was brave enough to start the empowerment and equal opportunity for women in Vanuatu. It’s a world movement, you are not alone.

Comment on The long journey – political acceptance of women by Patricia Thu, 03 Mar 2016 10:23:22 +0000 You go Mary, you go sister. It is women like you who paved the way of women future in Vanuatu.

Comment on The long journey – political acceptance of women by Wren Green Wed, 02 Mar 2016 03:59:16 +0000 Dear Mary
Thank you so much for telling your story. It is one of courage on your part and by other women in Vanuatu, but it is also a very depressing story of the massive discrimination you faced when you asserted your rights to stand as a candidate for Parliament. While you did not succeed this time I’m sure you are a very important pioneer for the women of Vanuatu and their rights. Challenging and changing cultural values is never easy.
Regards, Wren Green

Comment on The long journey – political acceptance of women by Robert Bohn Wed, 02 Mar 2016 03:55:10 +0000 Mary,

Wow…..what an amazing story. How can I help you publish your story so that your voice is echoed to the widest possible extent? Would an introduction to the Independent Newspaper help you?

How can we work together for your community? Would an introduction to the Rotary Club help? Would an introduction to other aid donors help?

Please contact me so that we can discuss the problems that you face…….indeed the problems that all women in Vanuatu face.



Comment on Dare to dream, but in PNG it’s not enough by riyad Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:35:37 +0000 this commentary highlights in plain language the characteristics of elected MPs that are sorely needed but rarely if ever heeded in most Pacific island states. More importantly it calls for more than dreams by the electorate. thanks!

Comment on Dare to dream, but in PNG it’s not enough by Michael Dom Wed, 17 Feb 2016 02:39:25 +0000 This is the best commentary that I have read for a long while. Thank you, Dulciana.
