Comments on: How relevant is the Melanesian Spearhead Group? Thinking for ourselves Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:30:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yamin Kogoya Yamin Kogoya Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:26:32 +0000 The time has come for the Melanesia to re-claim our freedom and sovereignty that have been taken away from us. It is time for Melanesia countries to save one of their family members from the mouth of an Asian Tiger, it is their duty, it is time to tell their master ” that’s enough, i am a child of ancient people, I am always here, this is my home, you cant rob me no more” Our brothers in Fiji has already leading the way and Vanuatu is heading into the same direction by abandoning foreign researchers from entering to Vanuatu. And we should start to construct our identity as “Melanesia” by all means. Ideology of Melanesia must be born. We must create the history of Melanesia.

By: Jengo Jengo Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:55:33 +0000 The Special Minister of Defence Staff of Political Affairs, some time ago the socialization about fixing the Special Autonomy Law for Papua and West Papua, medapat responses to Sharp, the participants especially the people of West Papua, the researchers convey kesimpulanya that in most of the UI that SAF has not understood the community, from various data and resources they can pemeritah Papua province, but the data was almost in banta by the participants that it is not the data is accurate, the truth is not barhasil Autonomy look hard enough states Papua Secretary statement on the accuracy of data got from Papua Prov behind memita he answers the matter with your heart When he asked us about the discussion with the data is the data, not the material ketigalan jugga get questions from State University of Papua and Papua BEM includes several other communities about the research data that does not meet satandart as data accuracy, and accurate in the community about the success of the Act the Special Autonomy, but sepertinay that conveyed by Apara matter of Jakarta that indeed we admit, even though it is this data as reference data and the input given to the President as a jugga REPORT tO tHE mATERIALS iN FOREIGN COUNTRIES WITHIN tHIS CLOSE tO tHERE kunjugan LAUAR NEGERI.ungkapnya.
socialization berebda dilaksnakan in two places in West Papua in Manokwari regency Mansel South and Aston Manokwari Niuw June 15, 2013.
Mnukwar West papua 16 Juni 2013.

By: Jengo Jengo Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:34:37 +0000 suport full, from Manokwari Customery Council Of Papua, Doberay Areal for MSG recive we are part of u, couse we are one etnick, one rerigion, one herat, one soul.
we too some you are brothers have Nation like u have goverment like u, we will lose to genoside ofer imigran strategis of Indonesia Goverment, via development, via educations, via imigrations, via rerigion, we will lose now day we native peoples liket minoritas may be five or ten yaears again we will lose diea on aour land Papua.
Indonesia is have strategis Muslim net for asia pasifk area.
thus here
from Chief of Papua Customery Council
Mnukwar Doberay area
Barnabas Mandacan.
