Comments on: Flying into the abyss? Thinking for ourselves Sat, 10 Sep 2016 20:59:18 -0700 hourly 1 By: Grant Percival Wed, 10 Feb 2016 01:30:35 +0000 The PASO office is in Vanuatu. The experts you need are there. Is there something wrong in that they are not assisting in responding. As a former Airport Manager you do not need a slew of experts just practical common sense. It is a tarmac after all.

By: John Licht Wed, 03 Feb 2016 23:14:56 +0000 I agree, urgent remedial actions is needed. However, a key lesson that we will need to accept and cannot turn a blind eye on is the need to make good judgment base on multiple but quality advice from a broad spectrum of civil aviation experts and planning people, not just from our local advisers in the Government but also from international agencies such as IFC (World bank) who have a track record of working with LDCs and Developing countries around the globe. Unless there is a change in our attitude on how we approach these issues by way of appointing the right people to the board of directors and reduce political interference and ensuring prudence management of funds, we can have a glossy maintenance program at no loan costs but at the end of the day, the program will fail. A car cannot pass its service if in the engine is a faulty part – the result will be a vicious cycle of small repairs and hiccups.
